20 January 2010


i do not care.

18 January 2010


it's amazing how beautiful one of these looks when you get off work at 7 in the morning after completing your first overnight shift. and wanting to die.

this almost looks like one of those photo-realism paintings.

15 January 2010


sometimes the suburbs are beautiful.

10 January 2010


tomorrow i start my new job. yesterday i had deep and life-changing thoughts about forgiveness and jesus as a standard. today...today i want to be asleep, but i can't. because i'm trying to do the adult thing where i transition into working third shift instead of spending a week being miserable trying to adjust my sleeping schedule.

furthermore, i've pretty much decided to open my own etsy shop...i just have to talk to my tax guy and make a few other decisions, and it's done. well. and i need a name. so...any suggestions? free "jamie craft" to you if i like your suggestion enough that i use it. or part of it. srsly. a little help would be nice.

new camera! mirror pictures don't work well.

03 January 2010

guess who is stuck!

this guy!

the snow doesn't look that bad, but it's still coming down. and my car is parked on The Hill of Most Precarious Precariousness.

i miss this city, but right now i miss my bed. and my boots.