31 January 2009

new rule:

you are not allowed to complain about how "the government doesn't want to help you" when you've got so much money you have to keep it in three different banks, even with the new $250,000.00 FDIC limits. gift me $1,000.00. you'll never miss it, and i won't stress about money for the rest of the year.
please. shut your entitled face.

24 January 2009

new years?

this year isn't even a month over, and already i feel quite accomplished (and exhausted and supremely irritated to boot).

i've talked myself into caring about things again. important things, at least. the things that aren't important - i'm in the continual process of talking myself out of caring about those.
i've taught myself some fun and pretty stitches in crocheting and have all my stuff ready to teach myself to knit. i'd like to start an etsy shop sometime this year...
i've also got three solid fingernails. that's a pretty big damn accomplishment for me!

also, i have ten tons of photos waiting to be uploaded ... once i figure out my new photo software.

14 January 2009

i hope your life is everything you want it to be:

i want to walk in the rain and smoke a cigarette. or a cigar. preferably a cuban.

today's accomplishment: making a total tool of myself in front of a cute guy who is interested in me.

that's all.

06 January 2009

some days:

some days are so big i need a cigarette just to bring them back into perspective.