30 July 2009

apparently i post once a month these days.

or these months. whatever. : )

two nights more:

two nights more and i'm back in wichita. one of those nights will be spent in the company of four 13-year-old girls and the best friend i've made in kansas city. i'm crazy. : )

things that have brought me inexpressible joy lately:

1. death cab released an EP! i discovered this on accident whilst perusing my local downloading website...and i am all agog with the awesomeness that is them. i should keep up on my favorite bands more.

2. ice cream. doesn't matter what the weather is like, i want a vanilla milkshake. jeez. it does bring all the boys to the yard.

3. realizing how comfortable i am in wichita. i love love love kansas city, but wichita feels like home...
probably because it is.

three things don't seem like much, but it's enough. in the midst of sleeping on the floor in an apartment which isn't mine, living out of a laundry basket and a duffel bag, having very little climate control [of which i am overly fond] and absolutely no privacy [of which i am the #1 freaking fan] those three things are holding me together right now.

tomorrow is my last day at the bank where i have worked for two years. save college jobs, this is the longest i've maintained employment anywhere. i've fought with customers, my coworkers, The System [aka The Man] and myself here, but overall i have adored this job. i came to kansas city to attend seminary, hoping to find a community there like i found at sterling, but instead i quit school and found a wonderful community where i work. news flash: Sterling College Is Not Like The Real World. easy to joke about - hard to understand.

anyway, moving again. i've moved something like twice a year for the past seven years. seven years! that's almost a quarter of my entire life. i'm ready to be done - even if that means sticking around wichita for awhile.

my welcome home party should include a hookah bar. just sayin'.