06 November 2008

obama victory:

i. am so pleased. that obama won. i didn't have any overwhelming surge of emotion - there were no tears (although i think megan and i screamed and had an impromptu dance party around our apartment). okay, so that counts as emotion surging. megan and i had gotten up so early to vote that i couldn't stay awake for obama's speech, or even the declaration of him as president elect. i went and laid in bed and told megan to text me and tell me who took california and who won. i got up and watched the news for awhile after everything was projected, then went to sleep listening to the fireworks (and possible gunshots) in my neighborhood.
let's face it, i kind of live in the ghetto.
wednesday morning i could hardly believe it. i woke up at 6:30 and sat on the futon watching the news to make sure that nothing had changed overnight - that america hadn't changed changed it's mind or anything.

i've been more proud of my country in the past 24 hours than in the past 24 years altogether.
yay america!

if i quit smoking, would my inflamed taste buds stop being so painful? or, do i just need to quit chewing on it?
is it ever really going to be winter?

can i please,please,please have the motivation to at least do some of my homework? i don't mind failing one class to keep myself from being so busy i want to die, but i really like the work and everything in cultural anthropology. and i don't want to fail there.

i need to go get tested for mono. blah.

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