then promptly walked out the door.
i wish i could blame my incoherent rambling on cold medicine, but i hadn't taken, let's just agree that i'm an idiot and nervous around people i don't know, and go forward from there. happy? happy.
i want to learn how to sew...which, could i choose a more expensive hobby? well, besides the photography habit. thank god for digital, because i already have all the shit i need. crochet, while it can be expensive, can also be really cheap if one knows how to go about watching for sales on yarn.
at any rate, i finally put my photos on my computer of stuff i've made lately. just two baby blankets, but i'm pretty damn proud of myself!
these first photos are from a blanket i finished during the summer, the nursery theme was "jungle animals." in reality, the yarn was all too dark, but i still loved it.
the first one i made with vanna's choice - bought at joann fabric's. the second one with some baby yarn i got there. i don't remember the brand, but let me tell you now. i. hate. baby yarn. when i work with it, little fuzzies come off and then seem to miraculously float up to my nostrils and hang out there. itchy.
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