1. any motivation to do schoolwork that requires thought. or effort. or really anything other than random internet research.
2. the battery charger for my camera batteries. this is way more important than schoolwork.
3. my passwords for everything. sometimes i hate saved data.
i've been working on a bag for my cousin for christmas...i hate the color on the photos, because it doesn't look like the lining i picked matches the colors of the yarn at all, but it really does.
i'm also super stealthily working on something for myself! okay, probably not in a stealthy manner at all...

the weather today was amazing - rainy and cold all day long. hoomrate and i cleaned the entire apartment (twice in some places), found blanche the one-eyed wonder sleeping in the cabinets under my sink and now i just have to do four chapters of reading and a family decent diagram in the next...11 hours. oh, and sleeping.
oh. and we put up the christmas tree today! last year it was really only up while we were able to see it for about two weeks. yes, it's like a charlie brown tree, but i don't care. i love it. and i want to wrap the presents i already have, and i need something to put them under.
in reality, i'm still a very small child. because i also cut out paper snowflakes and taped them to the sliding glass door. if it wasn't for the fact that they're about five feet off the ground, people might think we had a kindergarten child living here. though, i guaran-damn-tee you that the first time it snows and i have to walk around in it, they'll be coming down. it doesn't take much to jade me.
in reality, i'm still a very small child. because i also cut out paper snowflakes and taped them to the sliding glass door. if it wasn't for the fact that they're about five feet off the ground, people might think we had a kindergarten child living here. though, i guaran-damn-tee you that the first time it snows and i have to walk around in it, they'll be coming down. it doesn't take much to jade me.
1 comment:
i crochet too! but i suck at it and i'm only able to make scarves. haha. i love forever young.
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